by Friendship Force | Jan 22, 2021 | Journeys
Over the years, Friendship Force International has been asked many times to take a position on establishing travel restrictions. These requests were based on anything from civil unrest to natural disasters in a Journey destination. Almost always, our response is this:...
by Don Titterton, FF Albany, Western Australia | Nov 3, 2020 | Journeys, Stories, Uncategorized
Written by Don Titterton, FF Albany, Western Australia The members of the Friendship Force of Albany, Western Australia, decided we couldn’t sit by and watch this wonderful organisation, Friendship Force International, wither and die as a result of these crazy...
by Sue Brannon, Friendship Force of Perth, Australia | Sep 25, 2020 | Journeys, Uncategorized, Virtual, Virtual Event
Virtual Journeys are a great concept! The Friendship Force of Perth, Western Australia, jumped at the chance to reconnect with members of the Western Tokyo club who visited Perth last year. We “Zoomed in” for our first meeting in August for a meet and...
by Friendship Force | Aug 26, 2020 | Journeys, Uncategorized, Virtual, Virtual Event
A comprehensive list of links to help you make the most of FFI’s Virtual Experiences: FFI Virtual Experiences Page A link to the homepage of FFI Virtual Experiences. Learn about FFI Virtual Experiences An explanation of the three main types of FFI Virtual...
by Kimberly Fraser | Aug 13, 2020 | Journeys, Planning
Below you will find key dates for the 2022 Journey Matching process. The process will be a little different this year due to the impact of COVID-19 and postponed Journeys. Please take note of the deadlines for submitting the forms. If you would like to know more about...
by Friendship Force | Jul 15, 2020 | Journeys, Training
We are living in unprecedented times as we navigate a new normal after the outbreak of COVID-19. Depending on where you are in the world, you may be considering home hosting again in the new future. Friendship Force International would like to offer some guidelines as...