by Friendship Force | Apr 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
Travel remains on hold. Stay-at-home orders are in effect globally. The FFI staff wants to take some of the distance out of “social distancing.” So, from our own homes, here we are to give you a brief look into who we are and how we support the members,...
by Friendship Force | Apr 14, 2020 | Uncategorized Ich hoffe, du bist in dieser schwierigen Zeit gesund und gut versorgt. Diese Pandemie betrifft uns alle weiterhin auf unvorstellbare Weise. Jetzt ist es wichtiger denn je, an...
by Friendship Force | Apr 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
Palabras de Nuestro CEO- Jeremi Snook (Traducción Libre) Como organización, la fuerza de amistad se enfrenta a una crisis económica diferente a cualquier cosa que hayamos experimentado en nuestros 42 años de historia. Aunque hemos sobrevivido al nuevo milenio, los...
by Friendship Force | Apr 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
Palavras do Nosso CEO- Jeremi Snook (Tradução Livre) Como organização, a Friendship Force enfrenta uma crise econômica diferente de tudo que já experimentamos em nossos 42 anos de história. Embora tenhamos sobrevivido ao novo milênio, aos ataques do 11 de setembro, à...
by Friendship Force | Apr 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
FFIは今過去40数年の歴史の中で経験した事もない未曽有の危機に直面しております。 ジェレミ会長から3月20日付で特別メッセージが皆様方に発信されましたが、その後もCOVID-19の感染はあっという間に世界中に拡大し、いつ終息するか全く予測できない状態が続いております。その結果、FFIもその影響をもろに受け、2020年度の渡航が全てキャンセルになる可能性が避けられない情勢が目前に迫って来ております。...
by Friendship Force | Apr 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
Greetings to our Friendship Force friends in Australia! As we are all aware, we are living in extraordinary times and we hope that each one of you is taking care not only of yourself but of each other. As Friendship Force clubs are now in their own form of lockdown it...