Facing an unprecedented global crisis, Friendship Force members around the world have stepped up in a big way to ensure that the organization they care about survives this pandemic. Uncertainty continues to define our day-to-day existence, as citizens and governments struggle to find a “new normal.” In the midst of this, however, is assurance that our mission of increasing global cultural understanding and peace through the simple act of friendship will continue for years to come, well beyond COVID-19. Every donation is more than an expression of financial support, it proves that the collective efforts of many can make a tremendous impact. For this campaign, it is about saving FFI, but as Friendship Force members, we are all familiar with how together we can make a big difference. Thank you!
AU$39,640 | Australian dollars |
CA$43,837 | Canadian dollars |
NZ$28,420 | New Zealand dollars |
US$342,233 | United States dollars |
JP¥5,985,000 | Japanese yen |
As of June 2020, Friendship Force clubs and members have raised more than $435,000 USD ensuring that Friendship Force can navigate the unpredictability of the pandemic’s impact with greater confidence while also continuing to build for a stronger future. Navigating uncertainty makes building solid plans for the future challenging. Every dollar raised plants FFI on more stable financial grounding ensuring FFI is here for the future!
Links to information on specific regional campaigns can be found below: